
Friday, 11 November 2011

It has been a long time since I last blogged, both here and on BeeBee's Recipes due to a number of factors.

Thing 1 and 2 went to school without a problem. They both love it. Thing 2 is coming on leaps and bounds, apart from his speech. He is on the side of really difficult to understand on certain sounds. This has lead to him being put on the speech therapy list. Now the waiting game begins to enter into the system.

Thing 1 is now Year 2, his fine motor skills could do with improvement (aka his writing sucks - so far these kids have an even split of my early school years, lots of speech therapy and even more writing drills).

As far me, I have changed my hours at work. I now roll into the office for a maximum of 6 hours three times a week. One heck of a routine change. I get to take the boys to school 4 out of 5 days of the week, and collect them every day. While all this was changing I was taking part in a writing team for a book. Fingers crossed we will find out more about that soon.

My eating plan fell by the wayside. I can only cope with so much change at anyone time. I'm pulling myself up by the bootstraps. I've not felt like 'me' for a while.

Dark evenings are here, and with that my running has pretty much gone out on it's ear. What to do now? I have a hatred of exercising in front of The Husband, I don't like to fail so having witnesses is never a good idea!

So what happened to that me time I was looking forward to? It sort of evaporated, it was so close I could taste it then the real world came and did what it does best.

So what now? Project Glitter & Sparkle continues. I am actively seeking out things to make me happy. I need to remember that by being the best me I can be I will in turn be the best mother I can be and the best wife I can be. I'm not perfect (and very much doubt I ever will be). I am complicated, I'm inquisitive and at the very most an obsessive compulsive.

This week I've happened across a couple websites, including this one http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/10-ways-to-be-happy-on-purpose/

What makes you happy?

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